REFERENCE: CERV-2022-DAPHNE – 101097087
PROJECT NAME: Intercultural Approach to prevent Harmful Practices
BEGINNING: 01.03.2023 | ENDING: 28.02.2025
DURATION: 24 months


According to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees’ report “Too Much Pain” (2018), 66.000 women and girls coming from FGM-practising countries applied for asylum in Europe and over 24.000 of them could potentially have already been affected by FGM. UNHCR also estimates that over 600,000 women are living with the consequences of FGM in Europe and that a further 180,000 girls and women are at risk of undergoing the harmful practice in 13 European countries.

General Objective

The general objective of the project is to provide online and face-to-face intercultural mediation training on prevention of harmful practices (HP) targeted at first line practitioners and migrant and refugee women, for (1) early detection, prevention, and response to HP crimes, such as female genital mutilation, early forced marriage and honor crimes and (2) to guarantee agility and adequacy of support to potential migrant victims.


2.1. Development of an intercultural digital toolbox to prevent HP on migrant women, with a Reference Framework for Intercultural Dialogue. (WP2)
2.2. Training of 720 first-line practitioners from the health sector, NGOs, police and teachers to adjust their HP prevention tools to intercultural scenarios. (WP3)
2.3. Awareness-Sessions targeted at 800 migrant women, which aim to support them in identifying early signs of possible aggression, based on human and women’s rights contemplated in international instruments, by acknowledging, expressing and acting on these situations. (WP3)

Type and number of persons benefiting from the project

Toolkit Platform – 500 000 online users reached
Training – 800 migrant women and 720 practitioners on health, education and law enforcement.

Expected results

1. Practitioners who know how to prepare and adapt HP services for intercultural frameworks, with regards to legal and psychological support.
2. Migrant women who know how to identify and prevent HP, including how to legally report.

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